Jawapan Wow Level 208. Game ini berisi lebih dari 1200 level berbeda untuk dipecahkan. Item level of dungeon loot the item level of loot has been increased by +26 in patch 9.1s season 2. We check this data very often and make sure that it is accurate and up to date. Full routes for horde and alliance (orc, tauren, troll, undead, human, gnome, dwarf, night elf) and all classes (mage, shaman, warrior, druid, rogue, hunter, paladin, priest, warlock). Item level of dungeon loot the item level of loot has been increased by +26 in patch 9.1s season 2. That's especially if you're new to wow classic or you just want to tick off.
First of all, you will need to decide on a starting covenant in order to simplify your game after reaching level 60.
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